The IGOP organises its research activities around two kinds of projects:
Basic Research Projects: These are the Projects that arise from the proposals that the IGOP presents to the competitive calls for research funding established by the European Union, the State Research Agency (AEI) and the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Applied Research Projects: These are the Projects that arise from agreements and conventions that the IGOP establishes with public institutions and other organizations. Mainly the IGOP has signed agreements with local governments, foundations and social action entities.
Both kinds of research are crucial for the Institute. Basic research is necessary for the development of theory, and it allows for a consolidation and expansion of the IGOP’s presence in academic research networks. Applied research projects, on the other hand, help to keep the IGOP effectively linked to the social and institutional reality.
Competitive Projects Active in 2023-24
Applied Research Projects 2023-24
Project archive
List of Projects 2011
Avaluació del Pla Transversal de Polítiques...
List of Projects 2010
Assessorament per a la constitució i...
List of Projects 2009
Anàlisi de la viabilitat de la transformació de...
List of Projects 2008
Acompanyament i suport tècnic al I Fòrum Veïnal...
List of Projects 2007
Anàlisi de les subvencions per al foment de la...
List of Projects 2006
Anàlisi, avaluació i seguiment de les...
List of Projects 2005
Anàlisi Enquestes de l'Institut Genus en el marc...