
The IGOP organises its research activities around two kinds of projects:

Basic Research Projects: These are the Projects that arise from the proposals that the IGOP presents to the competitive calls for research funding established by the European Union, the State Research Agency (AEI) and the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Applied Research Projects: These are the Projects that arise from agreements and conventions that the IGOP establishes with public institutions and other organizations. Mainly the IGOP has signed agreements with local governments, foundations and social action entities.

Both kinds of research are crucial for the Institute. Basic research is necessary for the development of theory, and it allows for a consolidation and expansion of the IGOP’s presence in academic research networks. Applied research projects, on the other hand, help to keep the IGOP effectively linked to the social and institutional reality.

Competitive Projects Active in 2023-24

Accounted Project

Care Spain Project

European Competence Framework for Climate Change Project

Fairleave (Dani Marinova)

Migrademo Project

New municipalism

Next Up project

Outip Project

Property and democratic citizenship

Radical Municipalism project

rEUsilince project

rEUsilince project

Whocounts project

Whocounts project

Whocounts project

Applied Research Projects 2023-24


IAP in schools

Nous lideratges

Impuls de Barri RAP

Projecte Comunalitats Urbanes

Project archive

VINE Project

Capflo project

Projecte Procomú AMB

Investing in Children Project

Primera infància

Euroship Project

Yes We Rent

.Projecte BMincome



Framet Project

Projecte Polchan

DEST salut comunitaria

DEST-Promise web-235x160

Mates Project

Bones pràctiques



DEST-territori besos_235x160

Projecte Participació Estudiantil IGOP

DEST-cures i llar_235x160

Projecte Recercaixa IGOP

DEST-jornades AC_235x160

Mobile Identities Project


Projecte CopHab

Advice on good social practices

Socio-educational Intervention System Assessment

.Neighborhoods and innovation

The Essentials

Open seminars



Research Groups

Case Studies

Newsletter IGOP

Escola del IGOP