El proper 25 de març aprofitant l’estada de l’investigador Daniel Silver ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Institute of Local Government Studies (INLOGOV) at the University of Birmingham, organitzem un seminari que comptarà amb dues presentacions.
La primera del projecte Recercaixa “Models d’educació de 0 a 3 anys i participació en el mercat laboral: estudi de la innovació social a la ciutat de Barcelona” i la segona serà la presentació d’un article de Daniel Silver sobre “Cities as playgrounds for social experiments: learning from the past to improve the relationship between social science and social reform”.
Posteriorment tindrà lloc un breu debat entre les diferents investigadores I investigadors.
Data: 25/03/20
Lloc: Edifici MRA, Campus UAB, 1a planta
Hora: 11:30 a 13h
Idioma: Anglès
A continuació trobareu el detall de les presentacions.
Presentation 1. Recercaixa Project: “Models of education from 0 to 3 years of age and participation in the labour market: Study of social innovation in Barcelona. /
Raquel Gallego, Sheila González, Lara Maestripieri
Raquel Gallego. is Ph.D. in Government (Doctor in Political Science) and M.Sc. in Public Administration and Public Policy by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She is Full Professor of Political Science and Administration at the Department of Political Science and Public Law at the UAB. Her research interests and fields of publication include: analysis of public policies, reform of public administration and management, welfare policies and decentralisation. She is evaluator and member of editorial boards of several academic journals.
Sheila González. Ph.D. in Public Policy and Social Transformation by the UAB. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher and adjunct professor in the Department of Political Science at the UAB. She has developed basic and applied research on public policy analysis. Her areas of interest are on Education and Social Inequities.
Lara Maestripieri. PhD in Sociology and Social Research. She is Senior Lecturer in Economic Sociology at the Laboratory of Social Policies (DASTU/Polytechnic of Milano). She has been Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the IGOP – UAB (2017-2019). Her main interests of research relate to social change in post-industrial society and in particular: marginalised groups in labour markets (women and young people), social vulnerability and emerging professions.
Presentation 2. Dan Silver “Cities as playgrounds for social experiments: learning from the past to improve the relationship between social science and social reform”
Daniel Silver
This paper critically examines the complex and often difficult relationship between social science and social reform. The vision of the ‘Experimenting Society’, as set out by Donald T. Campbell in 1960s, was one in which policy-relevant knowledge would be created through as ‘exploratory innovation’, and tested in concrete natural settings, to improve the problem-solving capacities of society. After fifty years ago, his ambitious vision appears somewhat naïve; the results of many radical 20th century social experiments have been mixed at best. The idea of cities as playgrounds for social science-led intervention might be discredited, but there has been a re-emergence of the idea of policy experiments in the 21st century. This paper explores the legacies of WEB du Bois and Jane Addams and connects them to contemporary scholarship on utopianism to identify a more public form of experimentalism that attempts to avoid the mistakes of the past.
Daniel Silver is an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Institute of Local Government Studies (INLOGOV) at the University of Birmingham. He previously taught politics and research methods at the University of Manchester. His research focuses on evaluation, social policy, research methods, and social innovation.