Daniel EdmistonDaniel Edmiston joined the Department of Political Science and Public Law in 2023. He is currently principal investigator of the WHOCOUNTS project funded by the European Research Council and affiliated with the Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques. Daniel has undertaken national and comparative research drawing on mixed methods approaches to critically examine the impact of state-citizen dynamics on poverty, inequality and human welfare across high-income countries. His research has previously been supported by the Worldwide Universities Network, European Commission, Economic and Social Research Council, British Academy and Wolfson Foundation. Daniel has previously worked for the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, London School of Economics, University of Oxford and University of Leeds.


Overall, Daniel’s programme of research is animated by the following questions: what is the relationship between social policy, welfare politics and inequality? And considering this relationship, how should welfare (state) interventions be configured to effectively tackle poverty and disadvantage?