The course Feminism, Gender and Politics addresses the challenges and advances towards equality between men and women from a historical and current perspective, with both a theoretical and empirical approach. Through teaching videos, interviews with prominent people, case studies, readings and discussion forums, we identify the milestones in the evolution of feminist thought and the main manifestations of gender inequality in society, politics and institutions. We also analysed the main consequences of inequality in contemporary societies and the policies that address it.

The course, promoted by the group Democracy, Elections and Citizenship (DEC-UAB), the Institute of Political and Social Sciences (ICPS) and the Institute of Government and Public Policy (IGOP-UAB), is aimed at all those interested in handling the conceptual bases for understanding inequality between men and women, and in reflecting on issues such as the way in which gender conflicts are expressed and managed in democratic systems. The course also allows to deepen the relationship between feminist thought, gender and politics with debates in other fields of knowledge.

The course has a wide range of teachers: Eva Anduiza (UAB-DEC), Maria Freixanet (ICPS), Margarita León (UAB-IGOP), Laura Gutierrez (UAB-DEC), Núria Reguero (UAB-IGOP), Leire Rincón (UAB-DEC) and Paula Zuluaga (UAB-DEC) and the valuable contribution of Victoria Camps (UAB), Maribel Cárdenas (CIBA), Ana de Miguel (URJC), Alice Evans (Kings College London), Flavia Freidenberg (UNAM) and Mònica Gelambí (Atenea Gender Consulting) as guest experts.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) allow distance learning, free of charge and tailored to individual needs. This training is designed to take place over 4 weeks with a teaching load of 5 hours per week.

This course is included in the IGOP training offer available on Coursera. You can consult it at this link.