Please find enclosed our call for Expression of Interest for post-doctoral candidates eligible for the call Individual Fellowship-Marie Curie Skłodowska that closes on September 11th.  Please note that candidates must  have not lived or worked in Spain for more than twelve months in the three years immediately prior to the application deadline.
We wish this information is of your interest and kindly ask you to share it among your contacts.

Os hacemos llegar una llamada a candidaturas post-doctorales vinculadas a la próxima convocatoria Individual Fellowship-Marie Curie Skłodowska que finaliza el próximo 11 de setiembre. Un requisito imprescindible es no haber residido o trabajado en España más de 12 meses en los últimos tres años anteriores a la fecha límite de presentación de candidaturas. Adjuntamos la documentación con toda la información  y os pedimos hagan difusión entre vuestros contactos.

Us fem arribar una crida per rebre candidatures post-doctorals vinculades a la propera convocatòria Individual Fellowship-Marie Curie Skłodowska que tanca el proper 11 de setembre. Un requisit imprescindible és no haver residit o treballat a Espanya més de 12 mesos en els darrers tres anys anteriors a la data límit de presentacions de candidatures. Adjuntem la documentació amb tota la informació i us demanem en feu difusió entre els vostres contactes.



The Institute of Government and Public Policies (IGOP) at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) seeks expressions of interest from outstanding post-doctoral candidates eligible to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual European Fellowship at a Spanish host institution.

This year, IGOP is looking to support applications in the following areas:

  • Social inequalities and urban segregation (Dr. Ismael Blanco, Dr. Margarita León)
  • The politics of welfare reform and comparative social policy (Dr. Margarita León, Dr. Raquel Gallego)
  • New municipalism and urban governance (Dr. Ismael Blanco, Dr. Ricard Gomà)
  • Governance, public policies innovation and evaluation (Dr. Raquel Gallego, Dr. Ismael Blanco)
  • Public administration and public management (Dr. Xavier Ballart, Dr. Raquel Gallego)
  • Democratic innovation and direct democracy (Dr. Ismael Blanco, Dr. Ricard Gomà)


Qualified candidates can apply for a Fellowship with IGOP, provided you have not lived or worked in Spain for more than twelve months in the three years immediately prior to the application deadline of 11th September 2019. For more information, see

If you would be interested in working with us for 1-2 years on a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, please email an expression of interest (EoI) to Charlotte Fernández ( by 5th of July. Please include:

  • a CV with details of your academic and other relevant accomplishments
  • a 1-2 page working research proposal
  • a motivation letter explaining research synergies with IGOP and what makes you a potentially outstanding candidate for a Fellowship.
  • Two relevant publications
  • Names of two referees willing to send their confidential evaluation on a short notice.