Us presentem les publicacions generades, a nivell nacional i internacional, pels recercadors/es adscrits a l’IGOP al llarg de l’any 2022. Les dades inclouen llibres i capítols de llibre i articles a revistes indexades. Es recullen com a indexats els articles que formin part de publicacions integrades al sistema JCR/SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank).



Llibres i capítols de llibre

  1. Anduiza Perea, E., & Tormos, R. 2022 Survey Data and Methods for the Study of Political Participation. In M. Guigni, & M. Grasso (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation. Oxford Handbooks, 233-249.
  2. Daly, M., León, M. (2022). Care Policy: the care function of the welfare state. Yerkes, M.A., Nelson, K., and Nieuwenhuis, R. (ed). Changing European societies –The Role for Social Policy Research, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  3. Davies, J., Blanco, I. et al. 2022. New Developments in Urban Governance. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
  4. Espluga Trenc, J.; Prades, A. (2022). “La contaminación atmosférica urbana y sus metáforas: el discurso mediático y la percepción ciudadana”. En: A. Boso y J. Garrido (eds.) Problemas medioambientales y sostenibilidad: Perspectivas Sociológicas desde el Norte y Sur global. Temuco (Chile): Ediciones de la Universidad de la Frontera. P. 153-175.
  5. Gomà, R. (2022) Agenda social y derecho a la ciudad: la trayectoria de Barcelona, en Cordera, R. Ziccardi, A. Las políticas sociales de México. Siglo XXI editores.
  6. López-García, D., Calvet-Mir, L., Di Masso, M., Espluga, J. (2022). Multi-actor Networks and Innovation Niches: University Training for Local Agroecological Dynamization. In: Anderson, C.R., Binimelis Adell, R., Pimbert, M.P., Rivera Ferre, M. (eds) Critical Adult Education in Food Movements. Springer, Cham.
  7. Ranci, C.; Maestripieri, L., Localizing new social risks: International Perspectives on Multilevel Governance and Local Welfare. Kazepov, Y.; Barberis, E.; Cucca R.; Mocca, E. (eds.) Handbook of Urban Social Policies: International Perspectives on Multilevel Governance and Local Welfare. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, 24-38.
  8. Vallejos, A.; Garrido, J.; Espluga, J.; Cordovés, M.; Aledo, A. (2022). “Hacia una configuración diferenciada de la Comunicación de Riesgos. Aplicación a dos conflictos socioambientales en Chile”. En: A. Boso y J. Garrido (eds.) Problemas medioambientales y sostenibilidad: Pers-pectivas Sociológicas desde el Norte y Sur global. Temuco (Chile): Ediciones de la Universidad de la Frontera. P. 89-122.


Articles revistes indexades (SJR/JCR)

  1. Anduiza, E., & Rico, G. (2022). Sexism and the Far‐Right Vote: The Individual Dynamics of Gender Backlash. American Journal of Political Science.
  2. Anduiza Perea, E., Breitenstein Gomis, S., & Muñoz, J. (2022). Do They Really Care? Social Desirability Bias in Attitudes towards Corruption. Research & Politics. DOI:
  3. Anduiza, E., & Pannico, R. (2022). On time and meaningful partisanship: Stability, strength, and sway of attachment to new parties. Party Politics.
  4. Ballart, X.; Fuentes G. (2022). Examining Improvement of Mixed Health Care Systems in Latin America. Equity and Quality of Health services in Uruguay, in Howard Palley (editor)The Public/Private Sector Mix in Healthcare. A Comparative Study. Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
  5. Bellini A. and Maestripieri L. (2022). People like us, the ordinary people: culture-based approaches to middle class analysis, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 2022(1): 211-234. (full text available on UAB DDD:
  6. Bianchi, Iolanda (2022). The local state’s repertoires of governance strategies for the urban commons. Nuancing current perspectives. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, June 2022. DOI 10.1177/23996544221108333
  7. Bianchi, Iolanda (2022). Empowering policies for grassroots welfare initiatives : blending social innovation and commons theory. European Urban and Regional Studies, October 2022. DOI 10.1177/09697764221129532
  8. Bianchi, I. (2022). The commonification of the public under new municipalism: Commons–state institutions in Naples and Barcelona. Urban Studies, 0(0).
  9. Bianchi, I., Pera, M., Calvet-Mir, L., Villamayor, S., Ferreri, M., Reguero, N., & Maestre Andrés, S. (2022). Urban commons and the local state: co-production between enhancement and co-optation. Territory, Politics, Governance.
  10. Blanco, I., Lowndes, V., & Salazar, Y. 2022. “Understanding institutional dynamics in participatory governance: How rules, practices and narratives combine to produce stability or diverge to create conditions for change”. Critical Policy Studies, 16(2), 204-223.
  11. Bonal, X. & González, S. (2023) The spatially uneven effects of a desegregation education policy. European Educational Research Journal, DOI: 10.1177/1474904123118171.
  12. Bueno, C. & Bonal, X. (2023) Fragmented spaces in the urban landscape: A socio-spatial analysis of educational supply in the city of Madrid. British Educational Research Journal. DOI: 10.1002/berj.3889.
  13. Bonal, X., Pagès, M., Verger, A., & Zancajo, A. (2023). Regional policy trajectories in the Spanish education system: Different uses of relative autonomy. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 31 (68).
  14. Caroz-Armayones, Josep M.; Benach, Joan; Delclós, Carlos; Julià, Mireia (2022) The double burden of precariousness: linking housing, employment, and perceived stress – a cross-sectional study, International Journal of Environmental Health Research, DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2022.2075330
  15. Ferraioli, F., & Ballart, X. (2022). Measuring performance concerning air and noise pollution: a comparison of Madrid’s official data and results from a citizen survey. Local Government Studies.
  16. Ferrer‐fons, M., Rovira‐martínez, M., & Soler‐i‐martí, R. (2022). Youth Empowerment Through Arts Education: A Case Study of a Non‐Formal Education Arts Centre in Barcelona. Social Inclusion, 10(2), 85-94.
  17. Font, N., & Pérez-Durán, I. (2022). The information phase of accountability: The role of management boards in European Union agencies. International review of administrative sciences (Print), 88(3), 882-898.
  18. Font, N., & Pérez-Durán, I. (2022). Legislative transparency in the European Parliament: Disclosing legislators’ meetings with interest groups: Disclosing legislators’ meetings with interest groups. Journal of Common Market Studies, 61(2), 379-396.
  19. Gallego R. and Maestripieri L. (2022). Women’s empowerment and social innovation in childcare: the case of Barcelona, Spain, European Societies, 24(4): 493-519. (full text available on UAB DDD:
  20. Guillén, A. M., León, M., & Pavolini, E. (2022). Are ‘carrots’ better than ‘sticks’? New EU conditionality and social investment policies in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy and Spain. Comparative European Politics, 20(2), 220-237.
  21. Lehtonen, M.; Prades, A.; Espluga, J.; Arapostathis, A. (2022) Introduction to the special issue “Trust, mistrust, distrust, and trust-building in the nuclear sector: historical and comparative experience from Europe”. Journal of Risk Research, 25 (5): p. 547-56.
  22. León, M., Alvariño, M., & Soler-Buades, L. (2022). Explaining Morality Policy Coalitions in Spanish Parliamentary Votes: The Interaction of the Church-State Conflict and Territorial Politics. South European Society and Politics.
  23. León, M.; Palomera, D. Ibáñez, Z.; Martínez-Virto, L.; Gabaldón-Estevan, D. (2022). Entre la equidad y la conciliación: similitudes y disparidades en el diseño institucional del primer ciclo de educación infantil en España» Papers, 107 (3), e3084.
  24. Maestripieri L. and Firinu A. (2022). Beyond dualism. The emergence of marginal work in Italy, E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 11(3): 97-122. (full text available on UAB DDD:
  25. Marinova, D. M. (2022). Working poverty, nonstandard employment and political inclusion. West European Politics, 45(2), 381-402.
  26. Olatz Ribera-Almandoz, Carlos Delclós & Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas (2022) ‘Our home, your home?’ The precarious housing pathways of asylum seekers in Catalonia, Housing Studies, Oct, 2022. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2022.2141202
  27. Parcerisa, Ll.; Verger, A.; Pagès, M.; Browes, N. (2022). Teacher Autonomy in the Age of Performance-Based Accountability: A Review Based on Teaching Profession Regulatory Models (2017-2020). Education Policy Analysis Archives, 30, (100).
  28. Palomera, D. (2022). ¿Estado de bienestar para todas? Análisis de las de igualdades sociales en las solicitudes y el acceso a las guarderías públicas, y el papel de la política social para aliviarlas. Papers, 107 (3), e3068.
  29. Pera, M. & Bianchi, I. (2022). Governmentality, the Local State, and the Commons: An Analysis of Civic Management Facilities in Barcelona. Social Inclusion Vol 10, No 1 (2022): The Political Aesthetics of the Urban Commons: Navigating the Gaze of the City, the State, the Market.
  30. Ripoll, G., Ballart, X., Hernández, E. (2022). Are Highly Public Service–Motivated Individuals Immune to Common Causes of Unethical Behavior? Calibrating the Moderating Role of Group Pressure and Competition for Economic Resources. Public Performance & Management Review, 45(5).
  31. Soler-i-Martí, R., Fernández-Planells, A., & Pérez-Altable, L. (2022). Bringing the future into the present: the notion of emergency in the youth climate movement. Social Movement Studies.
  32. Timothy Hellwig, Dani M Marinova; Evaluating the Unequal Economy: Poverty Risk, Economic Indicators, and the Perception Gap; Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 75, Number 1, March 2022, Evaluating the Unequal Economy: Poverty Risk, Economic Indicators, and the Perception Gap, 2022
  33. Zancajo Silla, A., Bonal Sarro, F. X. (2022). Education markets and school segregation: a mechanism-based explanation. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 55(8), 1241-1258.



Llibres i capítols de llibre

  1. Blanco, I., Gomà, R. (Eds.). ¿Vidas segregadas? Reconstruir fraternidad; 2022 València: Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, 1 ed, ISBN 9788419071774
  2. Bonal, X. and González, S. (2022) “La segregación educativa”, en Blanco, I. y Gomà, R. (eds.) ¿Vidas segregadas? Reconstruir fraternidad. València: Tirant humanidades. pp. apoyo110-132. ISBN: 978-84-19071-77-4.
  3. Margarita Estévez-Abe and Margarita León (2002), Different Paths to Social Investment? In: The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume I). Edited by: Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Bruno Palier, Oxford University Press. Oxford University Press 2022. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780197585245.003.0014


Articles revistes indexades

  1. Gallego, Raquel; Maestripieri, Lara (2022). La innovación social en los cuidados 0-3. Entre la desigualdad y la equidad en las políticas públicas. Revista Papers, 107(3), e3060,
  2. González, S. & Bonal, X. (2023) Educación a distancia, familias y brecha digital: lecciones del cierre escolar. RED. Revista de Educación a Distancia, 72 (23), 1-20.
  3. León M. and Maestripieri L. (2022). Presentation: Who Benefits from childcare expansion? Equal opportunities, social investment and social innovation in early years education and care, Papers. Revista de Sociologia, 107(3): e3124. (full text available on UAB DDD:
  4. Maestripieri, Lara; Gallego, Raquel (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on society in southern Europe : the case of social innovation in the care of early childhood in Barcelona. Revista Española de Sociología, Vol. 31, núm. 4 (2022), a131 pp.1-20.