Vincenzo Favara is a PhD student in the Department of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from Luiss Guido Carli University and a master’s degree in Sociology of Sustainability and Analysis of Global Processes from La Sapienza Università di Roma. He has collaborated with the Istituto di Ricerche Educative e Formative (Iref) on urban regeneration initiatives. As part of the Caring Tower project, he collected life stories that were featured in the 2023 anthology La parola che cura – storie di vita degli inquilini della “torre gialla” (The Healing Word: Life Stories of the “Yellow Tower” Residents). In 2024 in collaboration with Iref and Acli (Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani), Vincenzo authored the chapter “Sentirsi bene alla fine del mondo: emozioni e pratiche di sostenibilità” (Feeling Good at the End of the World: Emotions and Sustainability Practices) in the book Abitare un mondo sostenibile: Stili di vita per un’ecologia integrale, edited by Lidia Borzì, Maria Grazia Fasoli, Marco Livia, and Federica Volpi, with a preface by Emiliano Manfredonia.
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Climate change and overexploitation of natural resources; eco-precarity; digital, sustainable and just transition
Favara, V., Vacchiano, L. (2023). Come un sensei. In La parola che cura – storie di vita degli inquilini della “torre gialla”. In Caring Tower project anthology.
Favara, V. (2024). Sentirsi bene alla fine del mondo: emozioni e pratiche di sostenibilità. In L. Borzì, M. G. Fasoli, M. Livia, & F. Volpi (Eds.), Abitare un mondo sostenibile: Stili di vita per un’ecologia integrale. Preface by Emiliano Manfredonia.