We present to you the women researchers working at our institution, in the hope that they will serve as a source of inspiration for colleagues and students and encourage you to follow in their footsteps in the world of social sciences.
Gender projects highlighted
- Course MOOC: Feminism, Gender and Politics
- FAIRLEAVE: Longer paternity leave, fairer labour markets? Evidence from the 2021 paternity leave reform in Spain.
- INVESTING IN CHILDREN: Inversión en la temprana infancia, políticas, política y resultados.
- POLCHAN: Cambio Político en España: Populismo, Feminismo y Nuevos Ejes de Conflicto.
- PODCAST: ¿Seguimos hablando de feminismo?
The protagonist
+ info
Eva Anduiza
Full Professor
Political behaviour, gender, parties, populism, extreme right, political attitudes, polls.
- Anduiza, Eva & Guillem Rico (2022) “Sexism and the far-right vote: the individual dynamics of gender backlash” American Journal of Political Science
- Pannico, Roberto & Eva Anduiza (2022) “On Time and Meaningful Partisanship: Stability, Strength and Sway of attachment to new parties” Party Politics
- Hernandez, Enrique, Eva Anduiza & Guillem Rico, (2021), “Affective polarization and the salience of elections”, Electoral Studies, 69
Mercè Cortina
Maria Zambrano
Governance and social movements, analysis of public policies, urban policies.
- Davies, J.; Blanco, I., Bua, A., Chorianopoulus, I., Cortina-Oriol, M., Gaynor, N., Gleeson, B., Griggs, S., Hamel, P., Henderson, H., Howarth, D., Keil, R., Pill, M., Salazar, Y. i Sullivan, H. (2022) New Developments in Urban Governance. Bristol University Press
- Gonzalez, R; Cortina-Oriol, M; Aguilera, T. (2019) “Movimientos de Okupación y Políticas Públicas Urbanas: Los casos de Madrid, Barcelona y Bilbao”, REIJ, vol.3 nº5.
- Davies, J; Bua, A; Cortina-Oriol, M; Thompson, E. (2018) “Why is Austerity Governable? A Gramscian urban regime analysis of Leicester, UK”. Journal of Urban Affairs, 42:1 56-74, DOI: 1080/07352166.2018.1490152
Raquel Gallego
Full Professor
Public policy analysis, public administration and management, public sector reform, Welfare State and social policies (health, education, social services, housing), and state decentralisation.
- Gallego, Raquel; Maestripieri, Lara (2022) “Women’s empowerment and social innovation in childcare: the case of Barcelona, Spain”, European Societies, 24(4): 493-519, IMPACT FACTOR: 5.512, Q1 (ISSCI/JCR: Sociology) https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2022.2092641
- Barbieri, N.; Gallego, R.; Morales, E.; Muñoz-Mendoza, C.; Quintana, B. (2021) “Facilitators and challenges of community action for health. Comparative analysis of four case studies in neighbourhoods of Barcelona”, Policy Studies, 42(3):271-288 (First published on line 2019). IMPACT FACTOR 2.152, Q.1. (ISSCI/JCR: Political Science) https://doi.org/10.1080/01442872.2019.1645323
- Gallego, R.; Barbieri, N.; González, S. (2017) “Explaining cross-regional policy variation in public sector reform: Institutions and change actors in the health sector in Spain”, Public Policy and Administration, Vol 32(1): 24-44. IMPACT FACTOR: 2,792. Q.1. (SJR: Public Administration) Q2 (JCR: Public Administration) https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076716637897
Margarita León
Full professor
Política social comparada, Política comparada, Estat del Benestar, Gènere.
- A Margarita León, Manuel Alvariño & Llorenç Soler-Buades (2022) Explaining Morality Policy Coalitions in Spanish Parliamentary Votes: The Interaction of the Church-State Conflict and Territorial Politics, South European Society and Politics, DOI: 10.1080/13608746.2022.2132614
- Daly, M., León, M., Pfau-Effinger, B., Ranci, C., & Rostgaard, T. (2022). COVID-19 and policies for care homes in the first wave of the pandemic in European welfare states: Too little, too late? Journal of European Social Policy, 32(1), 48–59. https://doi.org/10.1177/09589287211055672
- León, M., Arlotti, M., Palomera, D., & Ranci, C. (2021). Trapped in a Blind Spot: The Covid-19 Crisis in Nursing Homes in Italy and Spain. Social Policy and Society, 1-20. doi:10.1017/S147474642100066X
Lara Maestripieri
Ramon y Cajal
Polítiques públiques i interseccionalitat, inseguretat econòmica al sud d’Europa, innovació social, professions emergents, mètodes qualitatius.
- Gallego R. and Maestripieri L. (2022) Women’s empowerment and social innovation in childcare: the case of Barcelona, Spain, European Societies, (online first) https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2022.2092641 (full text available on UAB DDD: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/261056).
- Maestripieri L. (2021). The Covid-19 pandemics: why intersectionality matters? Frontiers in Sociology, 6:642662.
https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2021.642662 - Maestripieri L. (2019). Fragmented fields: professionalisms and work settings in Italian management consultancy, Journal of Professions & Organization, 6(3): 357–376. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpo/joz011
Dani Marinova
Associate professor
Economia política, comportament polític, polítiques públiques, pobresa laboral, disseny de recerca.
- Fraile, M., Marinova, D. Closing the Gender Gap in Internal Political Efficacy? Gender Roles and the Masculine Ethos of Politics in Spain. Polit Behav (2024). https://doi-org.are.uab.cat/10.1007/s11109-024-09918-w
- Evaluating the Unequal Economy: Poverty Risk, Economic Indicators, and the Perception Gap Marinova, D. M. & Hellwig, T., 28 mar 2022 En: Political Research Quarterly. 14 p.
- Working poverty, nonstandard employment and political inclusion Marinova, D. M., 4 nov 2022, En: West European Politics. 45, 2, p. 381-402, 22 p.
- Electoral accountability, clarity of responsibility and labor market policy Marinova, D. M. dic 2020, En: Electoral Studies. 68, 11 p., 102237.
Eva Ostergaard-Nielsen
Full professor
Comparative politics, Poltical sociology Migration, Transnational networks, Development, Democracy, Citizenship, Civil society, Research methods.
Ixchel Pérez
Associate professor
Public policies, governance, regulation, accountability, transparency, European Union institutions, EU agencies and national regulatory agencies.
- Font, Nuria & Pérez-Durán, Ixchel (2022). Legislative transparency in the European Parliament: Disclosing legislators’ meetings with interest groups.JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. First Online. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.13371.
- Pérez-Durán, Ixchel & Alfredo Hernández-Sánchez (2021). Transparency in nursing home services: a legal requirement and an issue of concern before and during COVID-19 in Spain? Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 57: 1-33: Doi: https://doi.org/10.21308/recp.57.00.
- Jordana, Jacint, Ixchel Pérez-Durán & Juan Carlos Triviño-Salazar (2021). Drivers of Integration? The Role of European Union Agencies in Transboundary Crises. Comparative European Politics. 19: 26–48. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41295-020-00221-6
Núria Reguero
Research Technician and Collaborating Professor
Communication policies, Social movements.
- Reguero, Núria; Las radios libres y comunitarias en las políticas del Consejo de Europa (1970-2010). RIHC. Revista Internacional de Historia de la Comunicación, 2023 | DOI: 10.12795/rihc.2023.i21.06
- Urban commons and the local state: co-production between enhancement and co-optation
Bianchi, I., Pera, M., Calvet-Mir, L., Villamayor, S., Ferreri, M., Reguero, N. & Maestre Andrés, S., 12 sept 2022, (Publicación electrónica previa a su impresión) En: Territory, Politics, Governance. -
Community media in the context of European media policiesJiménez, N. R. & Scifo, S., 1 may 2010, En: Telematics and Informatics. 27, 2, p. 131-140
Community Action. Approaches to social transformation
Vicky Anderica
Marta Ballester
Sonia Alonso
Olga García
Administrative Team
Loli Martínez
Administrative Team
Ana Medina
Carolina Muñoz
Coord. Master PSiAC