Mercè Cortina IGOPMercè Cortina-Oriol holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of the Basque Country, a postgraduate degree in Participatory Democracy and another in Higher Education, and a degree in Political Science and Administration from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is currently a María Zambrano Researcher at the IGOP and at the Department of Political Science and Public Law of the University. Previously, and before her return to the UAB, she was Associate Professor in Public Policy and Urban Policy at the Department of Political Science at De Montfort Leicester University in the UK, where she was also a member of the Centre for Urban Studies on Austerity (CUIDADO), where she was Head of Doctoral Students, among other positions. He has been involved in over 20 research projects and collaborations with institutions and has published books, edited volumes, book chapters and articles in journals such as the Journal of Urban Affairs, Routlegde, Bristol University Press and Critical Policy Studies.


Twitter: @MerceCortina
Web: Google Scholar
UAB Research Portal: Mercè Cortina-Oriol
ResearchGate Citations:


Governance and social movements, analysis of public policies, urban policies.


  • Segregacion socioespacial y geografias de la vida cotidiana en las ciudades medias españolas y sus areas urbanas (FRAGMEDCITIES) (2022-2025).
  • Metrópolis Fracturadas: Segregación urbana, densidad institucional, innovación social y actitudes políticas en las grandes ciudades españolas (FRAMET) (2020-2023).
  • Collaborative Governance under Austerity. An eight-case comparative study (2015-2018).


  1. Davies, J.; Blanco, I., Bua, A., Chorianopoulus, I., Cortina-Oriol, M., Gaynor, N., Gleeson, B., Griggs, S., Hamel, P., Henderson, H., Howarth, D., Keil, R., Pill, M., Salazar, Y. i Sullivan, H. (2022) New Developments in Urban Governance. Bristol University Press
  2. Gonzalez, R; Cortina-Oriol, M; Aguilera, T. (2019) “Movimientos de Okupación y Políticas Públicas Urbanas: Los casos de Madrid, Barcelona y Bilbao”, REIJ, vol.3 nº5.
  3. Davies, J; Bua, A; Cortina-Oriol, M; Thompson, E. (2018) “Why is Austerity Governable? A Gramscian urban regime analysis of Leicester, UK”. Journal of Urban Affairs, 42:1 56-74, DOI: 1080/07352166.2018.1490152