David Palomera IGOPDavid Palomera is a PhD Fellow conducting a thesis titled: “Investment, organisation and inequalities in public care infrastructures: four papers on welfare residualism”, which investigates recent developments and innovations in social care policies in Spain and Denmark. His research focuses on public management reform and public policy innovation and diffusion in the care sector, and the political economy of the Welfare State. He is also interested in the relationship between social policy, climate change and post-growth. He has conducted two doctoral stays at Southern Denmark University Centre for Welfare Studies. His research uses both quantitative and qualitative data analysis, including process tracing. He holds a BSc in Economics from Pompeu Fabra University and a double MSc in Economics from Warwick University and Lund University. He has worked as an independent consultant on long-term care and community action for various public and non-profit organisations. He is part of the Transforming Care Network management team. He also participates in associations that analyse and propose progressive economic and social care policies. Occasionally publishes in media outlets.


Email: david.palomera@uab.cat
Twitter: @David_Palomera
UAB Research Portal: https://portalrecerca.uab.cat/en/persons/david-palomera-zaidel-6
: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1519-3469
ResearchGate Citations: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Palomera-3


Public policy, public management, social care, social policy, political economy, the welfare state, green transition, post-growth.


  • ECEWEL: Investment in early childhood: politics, policies and results” project of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (CSO2017- 88906-R).


  • Palomera, D. and León, M. (2023). The growth and consequences of quasi-markets in long-term care. In Daly, M., Pfau-Effinger, B., Gilbert, N. And Besharov, D. (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Familly Policy: a life-course perspective. Oxford University Press.
  • Palomera, D. (2022). A welfare state for all? An analysis of social inequalities in applications for and use of public childcare services and the role of social policy in alleviating them. Papers, 107 (3), e3068. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/papers.3068
  • Kussy, A., Palomera, D., & Silver, D. (2022). The caring city? A critical reflection on Barcelona’s municipal experiments in care and the commons. Urban Studies, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221134191