Us presentem les publicacions generades, a nivell nacional i internacional, pels recercadors/es adscrits a l’IGOP al llarg de l’any 2023. Les dades inclouen llibres i capítols de llibre i articles a revistes indexades. Es recullen com a indexats els articles que formin part de publicacions integrades al sistema JCR/SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank).
Llibres i capítols de llibre
- Acebillo-Baqué, M., & Maestripieri, L. (2023). Intersectionality Theory and Its Application in the COVID-19 Pandemics. Liamputtong, P. (Ed.), Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Springer International Publishing AG, 1-23.
- Bonal, X.; Fontdevila, C. & Zancajo, A. (2023) “The Wold Bank and education in a changing global arena”, in Robert J. Tierney, Fazal Rizvi and Kadriye Erkican (eds.) Intenational Encyclopedia of Education, 4th Edition. Elsevier.
- Bonal, X., Bellei, C. (2023). School Segregation in Times of Globalization: Research and Policy Challenges. Educational Markets and Segregation: Global Trends and Singular Experiences From Belgium and Chile. Springer International Publishing
- Espluga Trenc, J.; Prades, A. (2023) “The Melancholic Lock: High-Level Radioactive Waste Governance in Spain”. Maarten Arentsen & Rinie van Est (Eds.) The Future of Radioactive Waste Governance. Lessons from Europe. Wiesbaden (Germany): Springer VS, 141-168.
- Gomà, R. (2023) La era de las metrópolis. El reto de construir nuevos modelos de gobernanza, en Arellano, A. Rosiles, J. La era de las metrópolis (Vol. 1) Colegio de Jalisco.
- Maestripieri L. and Bellini A. (2023). Professionalism and Social Change: Processes of Differentiation Within, Between and Beyond Professions, Palgrave-MacMillan. ISBN: 978-3031312779
- Nel·lo, O. Blanco, I. Gomà, R. (2023) Città e reti solidali. Napoli, Clean edizioni.
- Palomera, David & León, Margarita. The Growth and Consequences of Quasi-markets in Long- term Care. The Oxford Handbook of Family Policy Over The Life Course. Daly, Mary (ed.) et al., (2023). Oxford Handbooks. Chapter 44, pp. 961-968.
- Parcerisa, L., Verger, A., Pagès, M., & Browes, N. (2023). The Professionalism, Accountability, and Work of Teachers in Different Regulatory Regimes. In Professionalism and Social Change: Processes of Differentiation Within, Between and Beyond Professions (pp. 187-208). Palgrave_MacMillan.
- Pera, M.; Bianchi, I. i Salazar, Y. (2023). The Embeddedness of Public-Common Institutions: The Citizen Assets Programme in Barcelona. Bua, A., Bussu, S. Reclaiming Participatory Governance. London: Routledge
- Verger, A., Fontdevila, C., & Zancajo, A. (2023). The privatization of education. Drivers, social effects and regulatory challenges of private sector participation in schooling. International Encyclopedia of Education, 4th edition, Volume 1
- Verger, A., Quilabert, E., & Moschetti, M. C. (2023). Multi-scalar interactions and educational reform: The trajectory of school policy in Catalonia within the Spanish state. In School Policy Reform in Europe: Exploring Transnational Alignments, National Particularities and Contestations (pp. 159-184). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Zancajo, A., Fontdevila, C., & Verger, A. (2023). Markets in Education and School Segregation: Paths of Problematization and Reform. In Educational Markets and Segregation: Global Trends and Singular Experiences From Belgium and Chile (pp. 81-101). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Articles revistes indexades (SJR/JCR)
- Ballart, X., Ripoll, G. (2023) Transformational Leadership, Basic Needs Satisfaction and Public Service Motivation: Evidence from Social Workers in Catalonia, International Journal of Public Administration, DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2023.2209826
- Ballart, X. F. Ferraioli, F., A. Iruela (2023). Carga administrativa, motivación y bienestar entre médicos de asistencia primaria. Comparación entre modelos de gestión. Gaceta Sanitaria. 37 (2023) DOI: 102306.
- Ballart, X., Rico, G. (2023) “How Much Convergence Exists between Registered Process Measures and Patient Reported Experience Measures? A Study on Catalan Primary Healthcare.” The international journal of health planning and management. 38.6 (2023): 1772–1788. DOI: 10.1002/hpm.3701
- Bonal, X. & González, S. (2023) The spatially uneven effects of a desegregation education policy. European Educational Research Journal, DOI: 10.1177/1474904123118171.
- Bonal, X., Pagès, M., Verger, A., & Zancajo, A. (2023). Regional policy trajectories in the Spanish education system: Different uses of relative autonomy. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 31 (68).
- Bueno, C. & Bonal, X. (2023) Fragmented spaces in the urban landscape: A socio-spatial analysis of educational supply in the city of Madrid. British Educational Research Journal. Volume 49, Issue 5. Doi: 10.1002/berj.3889.
- Ciaravino, G.; Espluga, J.; Moragas-Fernández, C.; Capdevila, A.; Freixa, V.; López i Gelats, F.; Vergne, T.; Allepuz, A. (2023). “Improving the communication between farmers and veterinarians to enhance the acceptability of bovine tuberculosis eradication programmes.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Volume 220, November 2023, 106046.
- Delclós, C. (2023). The burden of the border: Precarious citizenship experiences in the wake of the Spanish housing crash. European Urban and Regional Studies, 30(3), 248-260.
- Espluga Trenc, J.; Prades, A. (2023). “Social inequalities in the making sense of climate change narratives”. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, Volume 15, Issue Beyond Climate Change Information: Communicating the Anthropocene, Oct 2023, p. 285 – 292. DOI:
- Lancien, Alice (2023). Une place à prendre ? Les « jeunes » dans les espaces publics d’un quartier en gentrification. Agora débats/jeunesses 2023/1 (N° 93), 103-120. DOI 10.3917/agora.093.0103
- Levatino, A., Parcerisa, L., Verger, A. (2023). Understanding the Stakes: The Influence of Accountability Policy Options on Teachers’ Responses. Educational Policy.
- López-García, D.; Vázquez-Macías, G.; García-Fernández, J.; Schmitt, M.; Ortega-Faura, P.; Espluga-Trenc, J. (2023). “Towards a Politics of Recognition: Exploring the Symbolic Contexts of Material Agroecological Transitions”. Sustainability, 15, 10091.
- Maestripieri L. (2023). Women’s Involuntary Part-Time Employment and Household Economic Security in Europe, Feminist Economics (online first, Published online: 26 Sep 2023).
- Pagès, M., Ferrer-Esteban, G., Verger, A. & Prieto, M. (2023). At the crossroad of performativity and the market: schools’ logics of action under a hybrid accountability regime, Compare. Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2023.2175316.
- Prades, A.; Sala, R.; Espluga, J.; Lehtonen, M. (2023). “Social sciences and nuclear energy practitioners: Exploring Spanish perceptions and expectations of interdisciplinary work in a transdisciplinary world”. Energy Research & Social Science, 97, 102970.
- Ren Y., Guglielmi A. and Maestripieri L. (2023). Gender inequalities in Southern Europe, METRON (online first).
- Ripoll, G.; Ballart, X.; Hernández, E.; Vandenabeele, W. (2023) ‘It’s a match!’: a discrete choice experiment on job attractiveness for public service jobs, Public Management Review, DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2023.2239256
- Ripoll, G.; Hernández, E.; Ballart, X. (2023) Are Highly Public Service–Motivated Individuals Immune to Common Causes of Unethical Behavior? Calibrating the Moderating Role of Group Pressure and Competition for Economic Resources, Public Performance & Management Review, 46:1, 225-256, DOI: 10.1080/15309576.2022.2127806
- Subiza-Pérez M, Anabitarte A, Babarro I, Jimeno-RomeroA, Delclos C, Vich G, Delclos-Alio X, Miralles-Guasch C, Lertxundi A. 2023. On pathways and agreement: Objective and perceived accounts of neighbourhood attributes and their associations with mental health during pregnancy. Landscape and Urban Planning 230: 104612. DOI:
- Von Jacobi N., Chiappero Martinetti E., Maestripieri L. and Giroletti T. (2023). Creating social value by empowering people: a social innovation perspective, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics (online first).
Llibres i capítols de llibre
- Bonal, X. González, S. & Jakovkis, J. (2023) “La lucha contra la segregación escolar: una ventana de oportunidad”, en Rodríguez, J.M. (ed.) La reproducción de las desigualdades sociales en el sistema educativo. El Mapa escolar de Valencia. Políticas de zonificación, libertad de elección y segregación escolar. Universitat de València, pp. 119-136.
- Gomà, R. (2023) Drets socials, dinàmiques neoliberals i un món en transformació, en Rivers, C, Gutiérrez, E. (ed) Quan plou sobre mullat. Barcelona, Icària.
- León, Margarita. El Arte de Pactar. Estado de bienestar, desigualdad y acuerdo social. Ed. La Catarata; 2023. ISBN: 978-84-1352-642-3
- Soler-i-Martí, R., & Ballesté, E. (2023). Adultocentrisme i polítiques públiques locals: Percepcions i propostes juvenils. Consell de la Joventut de Barcelona.
- Soler-i-Martí, R, Sanmartín, A. & Grad, H. (2023) ¿Cómo me ves si ni siquiera me conoces? Una encuesta sobre las percepciones sociales de las bandas juveniles en España, Ecuador y El Salvador. Paez de la Torre, S., Aramayona, B., Ballesté, E. (eds.) Bandas fuera, bandas dentro. Grupos juveniles de calle hoy: España, El Salvador y Ecuador. NED Editorial.
Articles revistes indexades
- González, S. & Bonal, X. (2023) Educación a distancia, familias y brecha digital: lecciones del cierre escolar. RED. Revista de Educación a Distancia, 72 (23), 1-20.
- Fontdevila, C., Verger, A., Avelar, M. (2023). Sector privado y políticas públicas: una sistematización de las estrategias de actores no estatales en la promoción de reformas educativas. Revista española de educación comparada, 42, enero-junio, 133-150
- Quilabert, E., Moschetti, M., & Verger, A. (2023). Del discurso pedagógico a la política: la irrupción de la innovación educativa en la agenda pública. Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 35(2), 57-79.