Official master’s degree in Social Policy and Community Action

The program is presented as a professional and research proposal that combines the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge and uses case work to make a participatory and complex approach to the reality of the territory.

From the 2016-2017 academic year, the Master’s degree is consolidated as an official interuniversity degree, with the participation of the Autonomous University of Barcelona through the IGOP (Institute of Government and Public Policies) and the affiliated school Doctor Robert, the University of Girona, the University of Lleida and the University of Vic.

Information Session at UAB Virtual Fair

February 27 at 6:30 p.m. in Barcelona
with Carolina Muñoz (Coord.) who will answer all your questions.

Sign up at this link: Fira Virtual UAB


Registration and more information

October 6th 2025 – July 2026 5th

Monday and Wednesday from 16:15h to 20:45h

Language: catalan (30%) / spanish (70%)

Students from the EU or Spain: 77 EUR/credit. Non-EU students: €104 / credit. Including administrative fees and student insurance.

Període d’admissions:
13 january to 01 October 2025


Syllabus 2024-25

More information: Web Escola del IGOP


Career options
  • The official master’s degree in Social Policy and Community Action combines theory and practice, delivered by both academic and professional instructors, and it uses the methodology of case studies to approach the surrounding community with sensitivity and a willingness to get involved.
  • It covers various areas of knowledge linked to social action and policy, mediation, community development and town planning, through visits, events and projects.
Addressed to
  • Local government officials, professionals and technicians.
  • Professionals in the associative sector and community processes (NGOs; community entities; Forums or Platforms).
  • Professionals in social policy consulting firms and / or social and community interventions at the local level.
  • University graduates interested in social policies, social intervention and community mediation.
Selection of Master’s Theses

We offer you a selection of the Master’s Final Thesis (TFM), which were the best evaluated (with grades between 9 and 10), in the 23-24 academic year.

1. Jordina Torrents: “L’aportació de projectes de salut mental juvenil a les estratègies de prevenció del suïcidi juvenil a Catalunya“, tutoritzat pel professor Xavier Miranda (Universitat de Lleida).

2. Carolina Hernández: “La incidència de l’Estratègia Nacional del Liti en l’apoderament de les comunitats indígenes Lickanantay de Sant Pere de Atacama, Xile“, amb la tutorització del professor Mario Henández (Universitat de Lleida).

3. Gonzalo Navarrete: “Qui pensa les polítiques socials“, que aprofundeix en els paradigmes que governen els canvis en la reflexió i la pràctica d’aquestes polítiques, tutoritzat per la Begoña Pernas (Investigadora de GEA21, Madrid).

4. Diego Espinoza:”Els factors clau per a l’èxit de les Iniciatives Populars de Norma en la Convenció Constitucional de Xile, 2021 i 2022“, tutoritzat pel professor Víctor Ginesta (col·laborador de la Universitat de Vic).

5. Marta Sagrera: “La salut emocional dels Professionals als centres Residencials d’acció educativa de Catalunya“, tutoritzada per la professora Núria Reguero (IGOP-UAB).

6. Gustavo Muñoz: “Avaluació del Servei de suport “Amb tu” de la Fundació Salut i Comunitat, de Catalunya“, sota la tutoria del professor Joel Martí (UAB).

7. Paula Casas: “Les vivències d’un barri en transformació: la joventut enfront de la gentrificació a Poblenou, Barcelona“, tutoritzat pel professor Ismael Blanco (IGOP-UAB).