The City Council  of Mataró and Tecnocampus Foundation, within the UIA projecte “Yes, We Rent!” founded by FEDER programme, organices a workshop to discuss and learnt about the role of public administration promoting social rental housing.

The keynote speech, by Salvador Milà, will discuss how different tools can be implemented in housing policies to promote a social and affordable renting, considering the Catalan context.

The Round Table brings together international experts to learn about successful experiences abroad. First, Max Gigling explain the Housing Cooperatives in the Quebec and how a context, like out project, that preserves private ownership brings  and additional challenge when fixing the social price. Joaquin Santos introduces the experience of Community Land Trust in Brussels to promote affordable housing and community empowerment. Then from the evaluation perspective, Chris Foye will discuss which outcomes must be assessed when evaluating housing intervention to be ethical. The event will close with a debate involving the audience.

How can Public Administrations foster social renting housing?
Learning Event for the UIA project “Yes, we rent”
Organized by TecnoCampus
December, 12th. 2019
Auditori TecnoCampus (TCM2 Av. Ernest Lluch, 32 | 08302 Mataró)