Capflo Project
The general objective of this project is to promote participatory capacity building processes for flood mitigation at local level. Concretely, we will focus on social and civic capacities, aiming to better understand how these resilient capacities operate to mitigate flood effects, how they could be participatory built at community level and how these participatory capacity building processes could be transferred to other urban areas. Thus, this project pursues the following specific objectives:
I. To design two consistent tools (the Assessment Tool and the Participatory Tool) to assess and develop social and civic capacities, as urban resilient capacities, for flood mitigation.
II. To assess social and civic capacities in 5 high flood risk urban river stretches in different Member States.
III. To carry out, in these 5 pilot urban river stretches, participatory capacity building processes, implementing pilot actions aiming to develop social and civic capacities for flood mitigation.
IV. To identify and share good practices on social and civic capacity building.
V. To produce a Guideline on social and civic capacity building in order to facilitate the replication of participatory capacity building processes in other urban areas.
Marc Parés (IGOP-UAB),
Alba Ballester (IGOP-UAB),
Contact: igop(at)