SWINS and NEXT-UP, with IGOP participation, two of the seven Horizon Europe projects of the Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society cluster in which the UAB participates.

SWINS and NEXT-UP, with IGOP participation, two of the seven Horizon Europe projects of the Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society cluster in which the UAB participates.

The objective of the Cluster 2 call is to strengthen European democratic values, including the rule of law and fundamental rights, safeguard our cultural heritage and promote socio-economic transformations that contribute to inclusion and growth. The funding encourages projects in areas of intervention in democracy, cultural heritage, and social and economic transformations.

IGOP participates with the SWINS and NEXT-UP projects:
SWINS (Sustainable Wellbeing through Investment in Social Services) develops tools to assess the economic and social returns of investments in social services throughout life. It explores alternative policy scenarios to improve human capabilities and boost income, employment and growth. SWINS supports the sustainable transition of the European Union by integrating interdisciplinary research into institutional frameworks and promoting a rights-based approach to rethinking social services. The project is a consortium led by Margarita León, professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Law at the UAB and researcher at IGOP-UAB.

NEXT-UP (Navigating the Next Normal: Innovative Approaches to Enhancing Youth’s Education-Employment Transitions in PostCOVID-19 Europe) addresses the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on youth transitions to employment, focusing on inequalities and changes in the labor market in Europe. It promotes inclusive evidence-based policies and social innovation and involves policymakers, educators, employers and youth organizations. The project aims to build resilient systems, promote equity and support disadvantaged groups, addressing the challenges of youth employment in the post-pandemic era. On the part of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the project is promoted by the researcher from the Department of Political Science and Public Law of the UAB and the IGOP-UAB Lara Maestripieri.