We present to you the publications generated, at national and international level, by the researchers attached to the IGOP throughout the year 2021. The data includes books and book chapters and articles in indexed journals. Articles that are part of publications integrated into the JCR/SJR system (Scimago Journal Country Rank) are collected as indexed.



Books and book chapters

  1. Bazurli R, Delclós C. (2021). Crimmigration and solidarity in the global city: The case of Barcelona’s street vendors. In: Donatella della Porta and Elias Steinhilper (eds.): Contentious Migrant Solidarity Shrinking Spaces and Civil Society Contestation (pp. 63-82). London: Routledge.
  2. Espluga, J., Konrad, W., Enander, A., Medina, B., Prades, A., Cools, P. (2021) “Different but similar. Public perceptions of nuclear energy in a cross-country perspective” in: Kaijser, A, Lehtonen, M., Meyer, J.-H., Rubio-Varas, M.d.M. (eds), Engaging the Atom. The History of Nuclear Energy and Society in Europe from the 1950s to the Present (Energy and Society Series). Morgantown: West Virginia University Press. Pp. 147-169
  3. Ferreri, Mara (2021). Contesting displacement through radical emplacement and occupations in austerity Europe. The handbook of displacement. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-47178-1_51
  4. Ferreri, Mara (2021). The permanence of temporary urbanism. Cities and Cultures. Amsterdam University Press. DOI: 10.5117/9789462984912


Indexed journal articles (SJR/JCR)

  1. Barbieri, N. Gallego, R., Morales, E., Muñoz-Mendoza, C., Quintana, B. (2021). Facilitators and challenges of community action for health. Comparative analysis of four case studies in neighbourhoods of Barcelona. Policy Studies 42 (3), 271-288. https://doi.org/10.1080/01442872.2019.1645323
  2. Barbieri, N. (2021). The right to participate in urban cultural life: from inequalities to equity. GOLD VI Working Paper Series 06
  3. Blanco, Ismael; Lowndes, Vivien; Salazar, Yunailis (2021) Understanding institutional dynamics in participatory governance: how rules, practices and narratives combine to produce stability or diverge to create conditions for change, Critical Policy Studies, DOI: 10.1080/19460171.2021.1984265
  4. Delclós C, Vidal L. (2021). Beyond renovation: Addressing Europe’s long housing crisis in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Urban and Regional Studies. September 2021. doi: 10.1177/09697764211043424
  5. Espluga-Trenc, J; Calvet-Mir, L.; López-García, D; Di Masso, M; Pomar, A.; Tendero, G. (2021) “Local Agri-Food Systems as a Cultural Heritage Strategy to Recover the Sustainability of Local Communities. Insights from the Spanish Case”. Sustainability 2021, 13, 6068. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13116068
  6. Ferreri, Mara Lorenzo, Vidal (2021) Public-cooperative policy mechanisms for housing commons, International Journal of Housing Policy, DOI: 10.1080/19491247.2021.1877888
  7. France, A., Giancola, O., Maestripieri, L. Visentin, M., (2021). Introduction to the special section. Mastering youth transitions: Italy as a case for the contemporary complexities. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education. 13, 2, p. 1-14.
  8. Firinu, A. Maestripieri, L., (2021). Oltre la dicotomia insiders/outsiders. Un’indagine sulla dualizzazione nel Sud Europa. Sociologia del Lavoro. 161, p. 193-217 25.
  9. González, Sheila; Bonal, Xavier (2021). COVID-19 school closures and cumulative disadvantage : Assessing the learning gap in formal, informal and non-formal education. European journal of education, Vol. 56 Núm. 4 (december 2021) , p. 607-622
  10. Hudson; Scanlon; Udagawa; Fernández Arrigoitia; Ferreri (2021). ‘A Slow Build-Up of a History of Kindness’: Exploring the Potential of Community-Led Housing in Alleviating Loneliness. Sustainability 2021, 13(20), 11323; https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011323
  11. León, M., Arlotti, M., Palomera, D., Ranci, C. (2021). Trapped in a Blind Spot: The Covid-19 Crisis in Nursing Homes in Italy and Spain. Social Policy and Society, 1-20. DOI: 10.1017/S147474642100066X
  12. Lehtonen, M.; Prades, A.; Espluga Trenc, J.; Konrad, W. (2021) “The emergence of mistrustful civic vigilance in Finnish, French, German and Spanish nuclear policies: ideological trust and (de)politicization.” Journal of Risk Research, DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2021.1957986
  13. Moreira, A, Léon, M, Coda Moscarola, F, Roumpakis, A. In the eye of the storm…again! Social policy responses to COVID19 in Southern Europe. Soc Policy Adm. 2021; 1– 19. https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12681
  14. Maestripieri, Lara (2021). The Covid-19 Pandemics: why Intersectionality Matters. Frontiers inSociology., 26 https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2021.642662
  15. Moya, S.; Chan; K.W. (R.); Hinchliffe, S.; Buller, H.; Espluga, J.; Benavides, B.; Diéguez, F.J.; Yus, E.; Ciaravino, G.; Casal, J.; Tirado, F.; Allepuz, A. (2021) “Influence on the implementation of biosecurity measures in dairy cattle farms: Communication between veterinarians and dairy farmers”. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 190 (1): 105329. DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105329
  16. Parding, K., Bellini, A., Maestripieri, L. (2021). Editorial. Heterogeneity Among Professions and Professionals. Professions and Professionalism, 11(1): e3911. https://doi.org/10.7577/pp.4398 (full-text available on UAB DDD: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/239119).
  17. Pera, Marina; Bianchi, Iolanda (2021). Governmentality, the Local State, and the Commons: An Analysis of Civic Management Facilities in Barcelona. Social Inclusion 10(1). DOI: 10.17645/si.v10i1.4732
  18. Peñuelas, Josep; Germain, Josep; Álvarez, Enrique; Aparicio, Enric; Arús, Pere; Basnou, Corina; Blanché, Cèsar; Bonada, Núria; Canals, Puri; Capodiferro, Marco; Carceller, Xavier; Casademunt, Alexandre; et al. 2021. “Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management” Land 10, no. 2: 144. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10020144
  19. Podda, A., Loconto, A. M., Arcidiacono, D. Maestripieri, L., (2021), Exploring prosumption: Reconfiguring labor through rural-urban food networks?, Journal of Rural Studies, 2021, p. 442-446, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.12.005.
  20. Porras Bulla, J.; Rendon, M.; Espluga Trenc, J. (2021). “Policing the stigma in our waste: what we know about informal waste pickers in the global north”. Local Environment, Ahead-of-print, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2021.1974368
  21. Rendon, M.; Espluga-Trenc, J.; Verd, J.M. (2021) “Assessing the functional relationship between the formal and informal waste systems: A case-study in Catalonia (Spain)”. Waste Management 131: 483–490. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2021.07.006



Books and book chapters

  1. Bianchi, Iolanda; Salazar, Yunailis y Pera, Marina (2021) «No olvidemos nunca quiénes somos ni por qué estamos aquí». Sobre Barcelona en Comú, movimientos sociales y cambio radical. En: Tras la indignación. El 15M: miradas desde el presente. Editores: Cristina Monge, Jose Ángel Bergua, Jaime Minguijón Pablo, David Pac Salas. Editorial Gedisa., 2021. ISBN 9788418525414.
  2. Blanco, I., Cruz, H., Gomà, R., Antón, F., Porcel, S. 2021. “Densidad institucional, organización ciudadana y vulnerabilidad urbana”, In: Nel·lo, O. (Ed.) Efecto Barrio. Segregación residencial, desigualdad social y políticas urbanas en las grandes ciudades ibéricas. València: Tirant Humanidades.
  3. Espluga Trenc, J. (2021) “Covid-19, medio ambiente y salud”. En O. Salido M. Massó (eds.) Sociología en tiempos de pandemia. Impactos y desafíos sociales de la crisis del COVID-19. Colección: Investigación Sociológica – FES. Madrid: Marcial Pons.
  4. Gomà, R. Ubasart, G. (coord.) (2021) Vidas en transición. (Re)construir la ciudadanía social. Madrid: Tecnos
  5. Gomà, R. (2021) Reconstruir i transformar la metròpoli postcovid, en AAVV (2021) La metròpoli (post)covid. Impactes, escenaris i reptes (IERMB-AMB) (pp.7-16)
  6. Gomà, R. Ubasart, G. (2021) Cambio de época y estado de bienestar, en Gomà, R. Ubasart, G (coord) Vidas en transición. (Re)constuir la ciudadanía social, Madrid: Tecnos (pp. 13-20).
  7. Gomà, R. Ubasart, G. (2021) Complejidades, incertidumbres y esperanzas. Repensar y ejercer ciudadanía social en el siglo XXI, en Gomà, R. Ubasart, G (coord) Vidas en transición. (Re)construir la ciudadanía social, Madrid: Tecnos (pp.331-345)
  8. Martí, M; Grau, P; Gomà, R (2021) Movilizaciones sociales, coaliciones promotoras e impactos en las política públicas de la Barcelona metropolitana, en Ibarra, P, Martí, S, Sribman, A (ed) Impactos, Barcelona.
  9. Martí-Costa, M., Ferreri, M. (2021). Una política de vivienda municipal innovadora: el programa de apoyo a las cooperativas de cesión de uso en Barcelona. In Nuevos retos para las políticas urbanas: innovación, gobernanza, servicios municipales y políticas sectoriales (pp. 87-102). Tirant Humanidades.
  10. Nel.lo, Oriol (ed.) (2021). Efecto Barrio. Segregación residencial, desigualdad social y políticas urbanas en las grandes ciudades ibéricas. València: Editorial Tirant lo Blanch.
  11. Parés, Marc; Ferreri, Mara; Cabré, Eduard (2021). La coproducció d’habitatge a Catalunya: orientacions per al món local. Sèrie Urbanisme i Habitatge 3; Col·lecció Estudis. Diputació de Barcelona.
  12. Rodríguez, Pilar; Ramos, Clarisa y Vilà, Toni (Ed.) (2021) Ejercicio de derechos y deberes de las personas mayores en la vida cotidiana. Guías de la Fundación Pilares para la Autonomía Personal. N.º 7, 2021.


Indexed journal articles

  1. Bonal, X. González, S. (2021) Educación formal e informal en confinamiento: una creciente desigualdad de oportunidades de aprendizaje. Revista de Sociologia de la Educación – RASE 14 (1): 44-62 https://doi.org/10.7203/RASE.14.1.18177