18/01/18, 17:30h-19:00h
Davide Arcidiacono (Assistant Professor – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano) / Lara Maestripieri (IGOP, postdoc Marie Curie)
Innovación social en la agricultura y la alimentación (el caso de Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale en Italia). Seminario en inglés.
Escola de l’IGOP (Pg. Urrutia, 17 Barcelona)
Seminario abierto + Ruta “Pinxu-Panxo”
Discussant: Marc Pradel (UB)
Davide Arcidiacono Researcher in Economic Sociology at the Catholic University of Milan and PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Sciences.. In 2015 ,VISITING RESEARCHER: at the Institute for Social Research (SOFI), University of Stockholm. Member of different Editorial Board of the peer reviewed journal like “Polis”, “Review of European Studies”, “Athens Journal of Social Science” , “Consumatori, Diritti e Mercato». Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian book series “Open Sociology (by Franco Angeli Editore), “Co-hub Milano” and ”Sharitaly”. He is also member of the board of the Italian Economic Sociology Association (SISEC). His research work focus on the issues of political consumerism, sharing economy and co-production. He is member of the international research team on “Foundational Economy: re-thinking capitalism”. On Crowd-production and social innovation practices recently he published the following articles: (with Podda A)., Sharing time: new forms of reciprocity in the digital economy, WORK, ORGANISATION, LABOUR & GLOBALISATION JOURNAL, vol, 11, n. 2, 2017; “Open Data Movement: young activists between disclosure and digital reputation”, “Paco-Partecipazione & Conflitto”, Issue 9(3), 2016.
Lara Maestripieri holds a PhD in Sociology and Social Research. She is Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the Institute of Government and Public Policies (IGOP) of the Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, studying gender and social vulnerability in an intersectional perspective with the MSCA funded project VINE (grant agreement No 747433). She has previously worked in EU Funded project FLOWS (2011-2014), WILCO (2011-2014) and CRESSI (2015-2016). In 2015, she has been fellow at the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation. Main interests of research are focused on labour transformation in the post-industrial society, and in particular: marginalised groups on the labour markets (women and young); social innovation; emerging professions.
Marc Pradel i Miquel is an assistant professor at the University of Barcelona. His research topics are multi-level governance, social policies within the framework of the European Union, and the role of civil society in the fight against social exclusion. Previously, he worked as a researcher at the Center for Citizenship and Civil Society Studies (CISC) of the University of Barcelona between 2002 and 2004. As a member of the CISC he collaborated in the European project EUROPUB (European Public Space Observatory) within the 5th EU Framework Program whose main objective was to create systems of control and analysis of the European democracy. For four years he has been a member of the research team of the ACRE (Accomodating Creative Knowledge – Competitiveness of european metropolitan regions within the Enlarged Union) a project of the sixth EU Framework Program that aimed at studying the conditions for the emergence of the creative economy and the knowledge in the context of the enlarged Europe. He also participates in the coordinated actions KATARSIS and SOCIAL POLIS within the seventh EU Framework Program. These projects are aimed at studying the emergence of forms of social innovation against social exclusion by civil society.